
The Barb, short for Barbarian, is often portrayed as a hulking figure with minimal intelligence and no sense of decorum. They tend to wear the same ragged fur and leather clothing that looks like it hasn't been washed in ages, reeking of sweat and campfire smoke. Instead of wielding a weapon with finesse, they swing a massive, oversized club around like it's a toothpick, often hitting their own teammates in the process. Their battle cries are nothing more than incoherent growls and grunts, making it hard to distinguish between a war chant and a stomach ache. In social situations, the Barb is the one who stands too close, invading personal space while speaking in a loud, booming voice. Their conversations are primarily about how many monsters they’ve smashed and how much meat they can consume in one sitting. Subtlety and strategy are entirely lost on them, as they plunge headfirst into any situation without a plan, usually leading to chaos and disaster. In short, if you're looking for nuanced dialogue, refined tastes, or clever tactics, the Barb is definitely not your go-to character!