Cotton-top Tamarin

The Cotton-top Tamarin is like a tiny monkey with a wild hairstyle that looks like it just stuck its finger in an electrical socket. It has a fluffy white wig that makes it resemble a rock star from the ’80s. This little critter is about the size of a cat but way more energetic, bouncing around the treetops like it’s had way too much caffeine. Instead of a proper tail, it has a fuzzy, squiggly thing that kind of resembles a cotton ball on a stick. It makes a lot of noise that sounds like a mix between a squirrel having a chat and a very excited baby. It spends its days chasing after bugs and swinging from branches like it’s auditioning for a monkey version of Cirque du Soleil. Overall, it’s a bundle of fluff and sass living in the tropical rainforests of Colombia.